
At Dawley C of E Academy, we believe that Computing is a vital part of our pupil's education. Our computing program aims to ensure that all pupils are able to use computing resources and equipment confidently, safely and respectfully in their learning across all curriculum areas. We are preparing our pupils for their future education and work life in a growing technological world. 'Computational thinking' is a skill that pupils need to be taught, therefore we use high quality equipment such as laptops, iPads, Micro:bits and apps in our sessions.



We were visited by The Code Show - we explored the history of computers and how they developed over time. 



 Please have a look at our ONLINE SAFETY page

    Click link below to access the document/page   
Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement
Skills Progression Document
Yearly overview


At Dawley, we use the online learning platform Purple Mash to deliver our Computing curriculum, enhanced by physical computing resources such as Micro:Bits, Coding Mice, 3D printer.


The Computing curriculum is made up of 3 elements Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy.


Image result for overview of computing curriculum 


NEW - Dawley pupils were guest speakers at Amazing ICT Computing Conference!

Our Year 6 pupils presented their 3D printing/DnT project to local schools and businesses at the Computing Conference.

Our pupils presented their project -  to design a pedometer holder.

Mr Smith introduced the class to Tinkercad programme. The pupils designed a Micro:Bit holder using the Tinkercad programme. One design was chosen to be made using the 3D printer.


Our Computing experiences start in EYFS, even though there is no Technology element in the new EYFS curriculum, we firmly believe that skills in coding and confidence when using technology begins at the very start of our pupils school life.


NEW - Mr Smith from Amazing ICT came to help us explore robots in EYFS


In Reception our pupils explore a range of technology to enhance their topic based learning.

Our pupils have used Purple Mash to draw their own penguins to accompany their story Lost and Found.



Our pupils have used the 2Go program to develop their coding skills to move a penguin across the map to all four islands!




Year 5 have been exploring 3D modelling.


Year 6 have been learning about spreadsheets and creating formulas 

(Cross curricular links Maths)

How much would it cost to make 60 cakes?

How much profit would you make if you sold the cakes for 50p each?



Here are our top ideas for you to try out at home.
1. Using a Bee Bot to learn about directions and distances. There is a free iPad app to download and a 69p app that is about pyramids. You can also program a robot called A.L.E.X. to move to a target position using a free iPad app.
2. Design a game using this free BBC site that you can then share. You can use the game toolkit to make tricky challenges for your friends to play
3. Daisy the Dinosaur app - where you programme a dinosaur to jump, move and change size. This is a free iPad app that allows you to touch the screen and shake the iPad to control the dinosaur.
4. Putting instructions in the correct order to create a simple computer program. You can try out activities for Year 1 – 6 from J2Code
5. Putting instructions in the correct order to complete a task successfully. For example, making a sandwich, crossing the road, brushing your teach and making some biscuits. This is called an algorithm.
6. Complete an hour of code by using a sequence of simple instructions. Hour of Code
7. Create your own interactive stories, games, and animations using a free online program called Scratch. You can also download a free copy.
8. Not sure what games are age appropriate for your child? Check out this website Game Finder